Monday, 25 October 2010

I reckon I'd make a good hostage...

Seeing as my last blog rather rather... crap. I shall now interest you with a recent tale.

I was at a space social the other day, when me and my 'crewage' headed towards the back room after hearing the promise of 'gubbins' which were awaiting us. We all sat down rather unhappily to find out that gubbins were in fact not food, but toys designed for people of a much lower age.

So, here we were sitting there quite contentedly, when someone brings up the suggestion of typing me to a chair... rather out of nowhere I must say. So here I was thinking, 'Oooh, my silly friends, thinking of tying me to the chair. Now, I'll just leave after having had a good old laugh'. But upon reaching the door, I was grabbed and thrust upon the chair, meanwhile, flailing any and every limb that I posessed.

I then had my arms strapped down, and my legs, I was becoming increasingly worried. I decided to call for my trusted youth leaders, Matt... and Matt. After a few minutes of mindless screaming, they came to what I thought was  a daring rescue. Turns out they came to help tie me up. I then realised that Ihad another trusted youth leader, Tim. But after yet more mindless screaming, he never heard me... or so he said later on.

Eventually, they decided to let me out, but not before numerous times of throwing myself against the door, screaming, biting, and having a green pen moustache.

But as the Space weekend away is coming up, I know that I shall have my revenge!

I'll let you go.

Friday, 8 October 2010

French Oral

Je detest Francais.

French orals are probably one of the worst things I can think of, they are always there, in the back of your mind, looming over you. No matter how much you've done on it, there's always the feeling that you should do more. In fairness, I probably should have done more, I didn't really do very much.

The recording wasn't brilliant either, my mind went completely blank in one of the questions, but no matter how obvious I made that to my teacher, she just sat there smiling at me as if she expected that with a couple of minutes time, the answer would come to me... it didn't. In the end, I just had to whimper 'I don't know' hoping that it wouldn't be picked up in the recording.

And then, to top it all off, in our French lesson, we had one of the worst substitute teachers possible. She doesn't tell us what to do very well, and she seems to think that if she talks loudly, then we will understand it. We didn't.

Anyway, I'll let you go.