Friday, 30 July 2010

Countdown to New Wine!

It's now technically 2 days until New Wine and I cannot actually wait! Althought it is my first time and I'm not enitirely sure what to expect. The one thing that I don't think will be brilliant is the 11 o'clock curfew, but hopefully I will be able to sneak out, and if not, I will be asking for some alcohol to be snuck in by Sof, assuming there isn't a youth leader there, ready to shine a beefy torch in my eyes the second I touch the tent zip to get out!

I've already planned out the seminars that I'm going to, including a couple of healings on the street which I'm looking forward to alot. I'm also extremely excited about the morning and evening worships and am bitterly dissapointed that Brenton Brown won't be there, even though he was there for the previous week!

But that aside, I'm looking forward to what will hopefully be a life-changing week!

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