Thursday 2 December 2010

Logan's Adventures in the Medical Room

I've been ill(ish) for the last few weeks; and the other day at school it got particular bad, to the extent where I didn't think I could carry on, and so went to the medical room. This is my tale of what happened.

I'd arrived at the office and waiting in front of the reception desk as the receptionist was on the phone. I was just waiting there, coughing away. Eventually, she appeared to notice the dying child in front of her and gave me her attention. I asked her if I could go to the medical room, and she said that I could, but needed to let some one of the office staff know.

Now, when you're dying of coughing, you really don;t find pleasure in waiting in queues. Eventually, I got to the office, I spoke to one of them and was allowed into the medical room.

The problem now, was that there was someone in there by herself that I didn't know, and the medical room isn't particularly large, and there is nothing to do in there; so I focused all my energy on trying not to make eye-contact in this rather awkward situation. And to be honest, I think she was probably doing the same.

Time had passed, she'd left, and I'd been sitting there for about hlaf an hour, getting increasingly bored. I began to think that they'd forgotten that I was in there, and so decided that I needed to get their attention. Fortunately, I remembered that the room is monitered by CCTV, and I'dalso recently learned in Art about the rule of thirds - where things stand out in a picture depending on where you place it. Because of this, I carefully moved my chair, and tried to get into the right position in the camera as to try and get noticed as soon as possible.

More time passeed -about 50 minutes- my rule of thirds plan wasn't working, and I was slowly descending into madness. Eventually, one of the staff came in and said that she was sorry , but she didn't realise that I was in here. Great. And then the rather awkward conversation began about whether I should be sent home because I have a cough. To be fair, it was a pretty bad cough, but still...

Eventually, she asked if I'd like her to call my parents, so I said 'Yes please.' And she went away. She came back a few minutes later and asked if I could have a word with my mum. So she dialed the number and handed me the phone, and the conversation went a bit like this:

"Hi, Mum, I'm feeling really ill!"
"Now I know that's not true, you were fine this morning!"
"No I wasn't, I was feeling bad this morning too!"
"Look, I know you're not feeling ill, why are you doing this? Have you got homework due that you haven't done, or is Adam bullying you again?"

I was confused, and so handed the phone back to the receptionist saying 'I think you have the wrong number' The receptionist spoke with the person on the phone for a minute, and then turned to me to ask 'Are you not Dominic Stickley?'

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